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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Alibaba Cloud Quick BI - Basic Concept

Dec 18, 2019 Alibaba Cloud, Cloud, BI, QuickBI, 5955 Views
Learn about Alibaba Cloud Quick BI Basic Concepts


Basic Concepts : 

  • Data source
  • Data set
  • Workbook ( Quick BI Pro & Quick BI Enterprise Standard )
  • Dashboard
  • Portals

Token -  What's the difference between Quick BI Pro & Quick BI Enterprise Standard?





Data Source

Whenever using QuickBI, we always must first specify the data source of the raw data.

  • You can add data sources from cloud services
  • You can add data sources from the user-created database system
  • You can also upload local files


You can create the data set from different data sources. For more information click here.


The workspace includes a workbook, a workbook is obtained by analyzing a database.




source - http://static-aliyun-doc.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/assets/img/9063/15577307566895_en-US.png



  • The flexibility title layout to create interactive reports with visual analytics, moreover, the dashboard supports data filtering , data query, and multiple data display.

In QuickBI the two modes are available :

  • Standard mode
  • Full-screen mode

Note - Standard mode is available for QuickBI Pro and Quick BI Enterprise standard, and Full-screen mode is available for only Quick BI Enterprise standard.


The data portal is also known as data product and the reporting products that use a menu structured, moreover, you can use a portal as a part of ( MAS ) - Management analysis System.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms