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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Angular v7 with Firebase Zero to Hero Training

Nov 12, 2018 Angular7, Angular Training , 7082 Views
A online Training on Angular with Firebase to upgrade your self into Angular.

What you'll learn in this Training?

  • Confidently build a full stack application using Angular as the frontend and Firebase as the backend
  • Understand how to use Angular in Practice
  • Understand how many of the Angular framework features are meant to be used
  • Know the basics about Firebase, and more
  • Know how model the data of a Firebase application
  • Understand how to use Angular Fire to build a service layer


  • The code of this course is fully up to date with the Angular 7 release and Firebase 3 - meaning that the videos cover the Final release API and the support code is updated to Final. 

Course content

Module 1: Introduction

  • Course Objectives
  • Course Outline
  • What and Why is Angular?
  • What’s new in Angular 7?

Module 2: AngularJS to Angular

  • What’s Changed
  • Semantic Versioning

Module 3: Introduction to TypeScript

  • Why Use TypeScript
  • Basic Types
  • Classes and Interfaces
  • Type Definitions
  • Compiling TypeScript

Module 4: Environment Setup

  • Node / NPM
  • TypeScript
  • Module Bundler (Webpack)
  • Code Linting
  • Test Setup
  • Application File Structure
  • Angular CLI
  • Code Editors

Module 5: Getting Started

  • Our First Component

Module 6: Modules

  • Why use Modules
  • NgModule
  • Declarations
  • Providers
  • Imports
  • Bootstrapping
  • The Core Module
  • Shared Modules

Module 7: Components

  • Introduction to Components
  • Component Architecture Patterns
  • Decorator Metadata
  • State & Behaviour
  • Inputs and Outputs

Module 8: Templates

  • Inline vs External
  • Template Expressions
  • Data Bindings
  • Built-in Structural Directives
  • Built-in Attribute Directives

Module 9: Custom Directives

  • Types of Directive
  • Create your own Structural Directive
  • Create your own Attribute Directive

Module 10: Pipes

  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes

Module 11: Services

  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service
  • HTTP, Observable

Module 12: Dependency Injection

  • Introduction to Dependency Injection
  • Injectors & Providers
  • Registering Providers

Module 13: Lifecycle Hooks in Angular 7

  • Component Lifecycle
  • Using ngOnInit
  • Using ngDoBootstrap
  • All lifecycle Hooks

Module 14: Change Detection

  • What is Change Detection
  • Zone.js

Module 15: Routing

  • The Component Router
  • Defining Routes
  • Navigation
  • Route Params
  • Child Routes

Module 16: Template-driven Forms

  • Introduction to forms
  • Template-driven forms
  • Validation

Module 17: Model-driven Forms

  • Introduction to ‘Reactive’ forms
  • FormGroup & FormControl
  • Validators

Module 18: Asynchronous Operations

  • Introduction to Async
  • Promises
  • Observables
  • Async Pipes
  • HTTP Request / Response

Module 19: Advanced HTTP

  • Headers & Request Settings
  • Providing HTTP

Module 20: Component Styling

  • Introduction to Angular Styling
  • Component Styling
  • Shadow DOM
  • Loading Styles

Module 21: Animation

  • Introduction to Animations
  • State & Transitions
  • Animatable Properties
  • Keyframes

Module 22: Testing

  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • E2E Testing

Module 23: Advanced Components

  • @input, @output, Event Emitter
  • View Child and View Children
  • Dynamic Component Creation
  • Dynamic template
  • Content Child and Content Children

Module 24: Introduction to Google Firebase.

  • What is Google Firebase?
  • What are the Firebase Products?

Module 25: Firebase for Web

  • Creating Firebase Projects
  • Create Firebase Database for Live DB
  • Integrate Firebase into Angular Project.
  • Writing CRUD Operations in Angular App to Firebase DB.

Module 26: Authentication

  • What is Firebase Authentication?
  • Using Firebase Authentication in Angular App.

Module 27: Angular App deployment

  • How to create Angular App Build ready for Deployment.
  • What are the ways to Deploy an Angular App?
    • GitHub
    • Google Firebase
  • Deploy final Build to Google Firebase

Module 28: Firebase Settings

  • Exploring Firebase Settings.
  • Custom Domain Settings in Angular Firebase.

For More Contact:
Mobile No: +91-8800773837

Email : nitinpandit.00@gmail.com


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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