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Supercharge Your Blazor Apps with .NET Hot Reload

Boost Blazor dev speed with .NET Hot Reload! Edit Razor & C# files, see changes instantly without restarting - say goodbye to dev cycles! #Blazor #dotnet


Blazor development is a breeze, offering a seamless way to build interactive web UIs with C#. But even the most streamlined workflow can benefit from a productivity boost. Enter .NET Hot Reload, a game-changer for Blazor developers in Visual Studio. This feature lets you edit Razor component files (.razor) and C# code-behind files (.cs) and see your changes reflected in the running application instantly, without the need for full rebuilds or restarts.

This article dives into .NET Hot Reload for Blazor, exploring its benefits, how it works under the hood, and its limitations. We'll also walk through a practical coding example showcasing its power in action.

Benefits of .NET Hot Reload

.NET Hot Reload streamlines the Blazor development process by:

  • Reducing Development Time: No more waiting for builds to complete! Hot Reload lets you experiment and iterate rapidly, seeing the impact of your changes instantaneously. This significantly cuts down on development cycles, allowing you to focus on crafting exceptional user experiences.
  • Improved Developer Experience: The frustration of rebuilding and restarting your application after every minor change is a thing of the past. Hot Reload keeps you in the flow, allowing you to stay focused on your code and see the results in real time.
  • Enhanced Debugging: Hot Reload facilitates a more interactive debugging experience. You can make code modifications and observe their behavior within the running application, making it easier to pinpoint and fix issues.

How Does .NET Hot Reload Work?

.NET Hot Reload leverages a sophisticated technique called "dynamic patching" to inject your code changes into the running Blazor application. Here's a simplified breakdown:

  1. Change Detection: When you save a modified Razor component or C# code-behind file, Visual Studio detects the changes.
  2. Code Analysis: The modified code is analyzed to determine the impacted components and dependencies.
  3. In-Memory Patching: Instead of a full rebuild, only the affected parts of the application are recompiled in memory.
  4. Dynamic Injection: The recompiled code is injected into the running Blazor process, replacing the outdated parts.
  5. State Preservation: Blazor's state management system ensures that the application state (e.g., user inputs, component states) is preserved during the hot reload process.

Coding Example: Hot Reloading a Blazor Counter

Let's see .NET Hot Reload in action with a simple Blazor counter application.

1. Create a Blazor App:

Start by creating a new Blazor WebAssembly project in Visual Studio.

2. Implement the Counter Component:

Create a new Razor component named Counter.razor with the following code:

@page "/"


<button @onclick="IncrementCount">Click me</button>
<p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

@code {
    private int currentCount = 0;

    private void IncrementCount()

This code defines a basic counter component with a button and a label displaying the current count.

3. Experience Hot Reload:

Run the application (Ctrl+F5). Now, modify the IncrementCount method in the code-behind section to increment the count by 2 instead of 1:

private void IncrementCount()
    currentCount += 2;

Save the changes (Ctrl+S). Without restarting the application, you should see the count update by 2 when you click the button! .NET Hot Reload has injected the modified code and updated the running application seamlessly.

4. Hot Reloading Razor Components:

Similarly, you can experience Hot Reload with Razor component modifications. Try changing the button text to "Click me +2" and observe the instant update in the running application.

Limitations of .NET Hot Reload

While incredibly powerful, .NET Hot Reload has certain limitations:

  • Supported File Types: Currently, Hot Reload supports changes to Razor component files (.razor) and C# code-behind files (.cs). Modifications to other project files (e.g., .css.js) might require a full rebuild.
  • Complex Changes: Very complex code changes, particularly those involving significant refactoring or dependency modifications, might not be compatible with Hot Reload

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Hot Reload Scenarios

While the core functionality of Hot Reload focuses on Razor components and C# code-behind files, it offers support for some additional scenarios:

  • CSS Hot Reload (Limited): While full-fledged CSS Hot Reload isn't available yet, Blazor provides a mechanism to inject modified CSS styles partially into the running application. This can help make minor style tweaks and observe the changes in real-time. However, for extensive CSS changes, a full browser refresh might still be necessary.

Leveraging Hot Reload for a Smooth Development Workflow

Here are some best practices to maximize the benefits of Hot Reload in your Blazor development:

  • Organize Your Code: Maintain a clean and well-structured codebase. Modular components and separation of concerns not only improve maintainability but also enhance Hot Reload's efficiency.
  • Embrace Small, Focused Changes: Hot Reload excels at handling incremental modifications. Break down complex changes into smaller, more manageable steps to experience smoother updates.
  • Utilize Debugging Tools: Hot Reload works synergistically with debugging tools in Visual Studio. You can set breakpoints in your code, make changes, and see the application pause at the breakpoint with the updated code reflected, allowing for more efficient debugging cycles.


.NET Hot Reload is a transformative feature for Blazor developers. Eliminating the need for frequent rebuilds and restarts, it significantly reduces development time and enhances the overall developer experience. With its ability to inject code changes in real-time, Hot Reload fosters a more iterative and interactive development workflow, allowing you to focus on crafting exceptional Blazor applications with greater speed and efficiency.

Remember: While Hot Reload offers tremendous advantages, understanding its limitations and working within its capabilities helps you leverage its power to the fullest. By adopting best practices and combining it with other development tools, you can streamline your Blazor development process and achieve exceptional productivity.

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