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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Excel in your career with advanced Communication skills – Communication 4.0

This Article Post will explain the topic "Excel in your career with advanced Communication skills"

Communication is not just words; it’s a combination of body language, tone of voice and words and here in this post we'll learn that how we can excel in our career with advanced Communication skills AKA Communication 4.0.

Advanced Communication skills:

Advanced Communication skills

Body language:

Body language is the unspoken element of communication that we used to reveal our true feelings and emotions. As per the study, only seven per cent of a message is conveyed through words while the other 93 per cent comes from Body language and tone of words.

The tone of voice:

Our tone of voice, volume and pace of speech are much more important when we are speaking to someone either on phone or in person.

Words Selection:

Words are themselves very powerful, if used tactfully can create an impact and if not used tactfully can create confusion.

Communication skills are of utmost importance that helps to interact appropriately with a large range of audiences by keeping top eye contact, a diverse vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen effectively, utilize your ideas appropriately, write definitely and concisely, and work nicely in a team.

Listening is an important part of communication

Being able to listen actively is an important communication skill but it’s easily overlooked, as people tend to focus more on what they want to say, rather than listening to what the other person is saying. Knowing when to pause to enable the other person to speak is an important skill. It conveys respect and a willingness to hear the different person’s point of view. Active listening skills will help you and your circle have more open and useful conversations, where each speaker’s point of view is expressed and heard with empathy and it leads to a more positive working environment.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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