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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Magnetic disk in Details

Aug 15, 2019 hard disk , 2078 Views
about magnetic disk and time consideration

This is also called as the hard disk & this is made from the thin metal platter which there are many plates or platters into a single hard disk & all the plates are made from the magnetic material & all the plates are made from the 700 to 3600 rpm (revolution per minute) & the hard disk also contain ahead which is used for both reading & writing a data from the hard disks. The plate of the disk is divided into the number of tracks & sectors & the collection of tracks makes a cylinder means all the tracks of the disk which a consecutive areas make a cylinder. The disk is first divided into the number of tracks that make a cylinder. All the data is stored into the disk by using some sectors & each sector belongs to a track. The data is accessed from the disk by using the heads. All the data heads have some arm that is used for reading the data from the particular track & sector. When the disk rotates at very high speed then the heads also moves, for reading the data from the disk the arm touches with the particular track & read the data from that location.

Some time consideration is also used when using are accessing or storing the data onto the hard disk.

1) Seek Time:-

The total time which is taken to move on the desired track is known as seek time. And the time is always measured by using the milliseconds.

2) Latency Time:-

The time required to bring the particular track to the desired location means the total time to bring the correct sector for reading or for the read & write head. This is called latency or Average time.

3) Data Transfer Time:-

The total time which is required for reading & writing the data into the disk is known as the Data Transfer time.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms