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Global Objects

Node.js global objects are global in nature and it is available in all modules. You don't require to include these objects in your application, in fact, they can be used directly. These objects are modules, functions, strings, and object etc.

A list of Node.js global objects are given below:

  1. filename
  2. dirname
  3. setImmediate(callback[, arg][, ...])
  4. setInterval(callback, delay[, arg][, ...])
  5. setTimeout(callback, delay[, arg][, ...])
  6. clearImmediate(immediateObject)
  7. clearInterval(intervalObject)
  8. clearTimeout(timeoutObject)
  9. process
  10. console

js _filename

It is a string. It specifies the name of the directory

File: app.js



js _dirname: The __dirnamerepresents the name of the directory that the currently executing script resides in.


setImmediate(callback[, arg][, ...])

The setTimeout(cb, ms) global function is used to run callback cb after at least milliseconds. The actual delay in this function depends on external factors like OS timer granularity and system load. A timer cannot span more than 24.8 days.

This function returns an opaque value that represents the timer which can be used to clear the timer.


Create a js file named app.js with the following code –

Run the code:

clearTimeout(t)global function is used to stop a timer that was previously created with setTimeout(). Here t is the timer returned by the setTimeout() function.


Create a js file named app.js with the following code –

Run the above code:

setInterval(cb, ms)

The setInterval(cb, ms) global function is used to run callback repeatedly after at least milliseconds. The actual delay depends on external factors like OS timer granularity and system load. A timer cannot span more than 24.8 days.

This function returns an opaque value that represents the timer which can be used to clear the timer using the function



Create a js file named main.js with the following code –

Run the above code

The above program will execute “Hello, World!”